Posts tagged experimentalmusic

Dear friends, I’m honored to share that I was commissioned to score Sora Hokimoto’s next film, a documentary about the US nuclear tests in the 1950s in the Bikini Atolls and the Japanese fishermen that were inadvertantly exposed to the nuclear blasts. As a prelude to the film, which won’t be out for a while, the director is holding an exhibition with an installation piece featuring scenes from the film for which I also composed the music. It features a new, multichannel long form work for piano, cello, electronics and field recordings made in the fishing villages in Kochi, Japan. Opens this Saturday, 6/12 and runs until 7/4. 甫木元空氏の個展に作曲家として参加します。インスタレーション音楽を担当しました。ビキニ島の水爆実験とその被爆者などをテーマにした興味深い作品です。参加できて光栄です。今週土曜日6/12〜7/4までです。オープニングにはいますので、興味ある方は是非立ち寄ってください。音響設計はWHITELIGHT